Two simple, sensitive, accurate, precise and economical spectrophotometric methods (method A and B) are developed for the
quantitative estimation of Deferasirox in bulk drug and pharmaceutical formulations. Method A, in this method 1,10Phenanthroline
forms complex with ferric (III) ions followed by the oxidation of the drug which results in the formation of orange red colored
chromogen. Drug shows maximum absorbance at 510nm and obeys Beer’s law in the concentration range of 50- 400mcg/ml. Method
B is based on oxidation of 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone (MBTH) by Ferric (III) followed by its coupling with the drug in
acidic medium forming an intense emerald green colored chromogen with absorbance maxima at 603nm and obeys Beer’s law in the
concentration range of 20 – 160mcg/ml .The results of analysis for both methods have been validated statistically and by recovery
studies .We have developed simple , sensitive U.V method (in distilled water in our laboratory) and adopted it as a reference method ,
for comparing accuracy of the results obtained by the proposed methods .