Novel drug delivery system aims to deliver the drug at a rate directed by the needs of the body during the period of treatment, and
channel the active entity to the site of action. The article focuses on various advantages of vesicular systems (niosomes) to develop the
effective delivery system to achieve maximum effective concentration. Niosomes, nonionic surfactant vesicles with lamellar structure
which may be unilamellar and multilamellar serve to be efficient in providing these required advantages. The bilayer structure of
niosomes being amphiphillic in nature can be used to deliver hydrophilic drugs in its aqueous core and lipophilic drugs in the bilayer
made up of surfactants. Niosomes are vesicles composed of non-ionic surfactants, which are biodegradable, relatively nontoxic, more
stable and inexpensive, an alternative to liposomes. They present a structure similar to liposome and hence they can represent
alternative vesicular systems with respect to liposomes, due to the niosome ability to encapsulate different type of drugs within their
multi environmental structure. Niosomes are thoughts to be better candidate’s drug delivery as compared to liposomes due to various
factors like cost, stability etc. Various types of drug deliveries can be possible using niosomes for example ophthalmic, topical,
parenteral etc. drug deliveries. On the basis of above information, the niosomes have been thoroughly exploited for the drug delivery
system and still offer scope for research on various drugs for their maximum therapeutic utilization in management and treatment of
various dreadful diseases.