Developing countries are lagging behind in the crop production in comparison to the developed countries. The developed countries
have gained the high crop production by adoption of various developed varieties, varieties resistant to environmental hazards, and by
the adoption of modern agricultural practices. The charm of use of chemical fertilizers for increasing the production of crop plants are
continuously fading down due to its various harmful effects on crop and environment, and now-a-days farmers are more interested in
the benefits of green manuring. But the farmers in the developing countries still hesitate in adoption of green manuring and one of the
major reasons behind this is lack of irrigation facilities for green manure crops. Therefore the green manure crop which requires less
irrigation attracts more. Sesbania cannabina is a multipurpose green manure crop and is widely adaptable to different adverse climatic
conditions.In view of above mentioned facts present study was undertaken to study drought tolerance in green manure crop Sesbania
cannabina. The drought tolerance experiment for Sesbania cannabina lasted for one growing season and involved four treatments: a
control group of plants was well-watered; a second group was subjected to drought after 15 days of sowing for 10 days, a third group
was subjected to drought for 15 days and the fourth group was subjected to drought for 20 days. All morphological parameters were
taken after 45 days of sowing.