Aquatics have had an important or even vital role in nutrition of world’s humans, and they have always sought to maintain the produce
these creatures. The aim of this study is to identify the different species of fish that live in Fahliyan River and to investigate
morphological –meristic and anatomical characteristics of fishes for obtaining information.Methodology: Sampling was conducted in
the summer and autumn in 2013. Fishes were caught by throwing net and transmitted to laboratory of Kazeroon University. Then the
fishes were identified and then biometry and autopsy operations were conducted on fishes.
Results: The results obtained in this study showed that the prevalence of six species of fish caught in the Fahliyan River were as
follows: tenuiradius Cyprinion (79.28 percent),
Capoeta barroisi persica (21.21 percent), Barbus barbulus (21 . 21%), Barbus luteus (15.15 percent), Garra rufa (58.7%) and
Cyprinion macrostomum (06.6 percent). Also, investigation of the percent of fishes’ frequency of fish in the summer season showed
the following: tenuiradius Cyprinion (43.23 percent), Capoeta barroisi persica (32.24 percent), Barbus luteus (92.18 percent), Barbus
barbulus (51.13%) and Cyprinion macrostomum (81 . 10%). Frequency percent in autumn included: Barbus barbulus (03.31%),
tenuiradius Cyprinion (14.24 percent), Capoeta barroisi persica (24.17 percent), Garra rufa (24.17%) and Barbus luteus (34.10
Discussion and Conclusions: In this study, considering factors such as fields toxins’ entering Fahliyan river, river erosion due to abuse
of the lands around the river, entering the waste, illegal fishing, lack of attention of officials of environment organization and not
giving environmental awareness to people in low land population and lack of rain in recent years has caused species like Abuhanj,
chalcalburnus chalcoides, Scomberomorus commerson, Capoeta and Chalcalburnus to be lacked. Also, because such Chalcalburnus
species in Fahliyan River is reported for the first time, the absence of these species in the history of Fahliyan’s ecosystem it is
concluded that irreversible impacts regarding endangered species has been imposed.