The prevalence of dementia is increasing globally, and is most frequently associated with aging and is, at present, under-diagnosed
and under-represented all over the world. The objectives of the study were to assess the level of cognition among dementia patients, to
compare the effectiveness of reminiscence therapy on level of cognitive function among dementia patients and to find the association
between levels of cognitive function with selected demographic variables. An evaluatory approach quasi experimental design was
adopted for this study. 30 dementia patients who met the inclusion criteria were selected through random sampling technique for the
study. Data were collected by using demographic proforma and RUDAS scale. After collecting the data reminiscence therapy was
given to the subjects for 15 minutes daily for a period of 21 days. The post test was administered on the 22nd day after the intervention.
The findings of the present study revealed that out of 30 dementia patients, the majorities 36.7% were in the age group of 60-69 years
and 56.7% were males. It also revealed that 96.7% dementia patients had mild cognitive impairments in both pre test and post test.
The results on effectiveness of reminiscence therapy showed that mean difference of pre-test and post-test level of cognition scores
was 0.90. The t calculated value (4.791) was greater than the table value (t29=2.045), p value was <0.05 level of significance. There
was no significant association between levels of cognition with selected demographic variables at 0.05 level of significance. Findings
of the study revealed that reminiscence therapy was effective for improving the cognitive functions of the dementia patients.