Background and Objective: The use of cesarean section is limited and obvious .It is accompanied by complications and serious
dangers for women and newborn. One of the ways of reducing of the number of cesarean is to recognize the reasons of tendency of
women toward cesarean; therefore the present study is done to find reasons for choosing cesarean by pregnant women who referred to
medical centers and its relation with their knowledge and attitude.
Materials and Methods: In this analytical descriptive study, 306 pregnant women who are not previous cesarean history and without
medical reason choose cesarean as preferable delivery method were interviewed in health centers in Jahrom. The questionnaire
included items of demographic information, midwifery history, knowledge about advantages and disadvantages of cesarean section,
attitude about cesarean and some of the reasons choosing cesarean by them. Spss software, descriptive and analytical statistics(Chi
square and Fisher exact test)were used for statistical analysis.
Results: The view of pregnant women about the reasons of choosing cesarean as follows: fetus health(71.2%),fear of pain(67.3%),fear
of vaginal delivery(58.2%),psychological burden and anxiety(55.9%),prevention of genital deformity and relaxation(49.7%) and
prevention of genital rapture(47.4%).Knowledge and attitude were significantly associated with some reasons of selection cesarean
included fear of vaginal exam(p=0.004,p=0.008) and fetus health(p=0.02.p=0.01)respectively.
Conclusion: By considering the related factors of reasons for choosing cesarean in low risk women, appropriate educational planning
and effective consultation by health medical staffs is necessary.