A total of 90 Pregnant Ladies who attending medical checkup in Omdurman Military Hospital during the period from April- May
2014, were enrolled in this study. Their age ranges from years with mean (30).The aim of this study was to detect frequency of
Rubella IgM, IgG antibodies, and to determine the relationship between the presence of antibodies and certain factors such as
gravidity, trimesters, past history abortion, and age). 90 serum specimens were collected from pregnant ladies, and analysed by ELISA
technique. The results showed that 10(11.1%), 48 (53.3%) were positive for IgM and IgG antibody respectively, while 6 (6.7%) were
positive for both. high frequency of positive IgM antibodies was observed among 25-34years age groups, and among whom had no
history of abortion, in third trimester, and were multigravidae. Statistical analysis showed that there was insignificant correlation
between age, Gravidity, Trimesters history Abortion and presence of rubella.
Large-scale studies in different settings and studies in Sudan are required.