Priority on patient safety in hospitals by the government and accreditation agencies is on the rise. With World Health Organization
(WHO) reporting an increase in health care associated infections, there is a need to assess the knowledge and practice of the upcoming
generation of doctors in this issue of safe health care delivery.
Aim: To study the knowledge, attitude and practice of hand hygiene among the future health care providers (medical students).
Method: Four hundred and forty students were randomly selected from each year of MBBS course and surveyed with a pretested
structured questionnaire. Collected data was analyzed for statistical significance through Chi-square test using Epi info 7 (p<0.05).
Results: Ninety six students reported that they are aware of hand hygiene practices, but 3/4th of them said that they had no formal
training on the same. 50% of them accepted that, hand hygiene practices before and after handling a patient will prevent health care
associated infections. Although 94% agreed, 6% disagreed hand hygiene as an important preventive measure for cross infections. 95%
of them washed their hands before and after their food intake.70% of them used soap and water whereas only 6.36% used alcohol
based agents.1/4th of the students didn’t have a habit of washing their hands after handling a patient. Girls differed from boys in their
opinions on hand hygiene (p<0.001), they practiced hand hygiene better than boys (p<0.02).Conclusion: Lesser differences existed
between students in the knowledge and attitude of hand hygiene practices, but in practice there was a difference. As the year of study
advances, due to increasing knowledge and better attitude towards social responsibility, there is an increase in the practice of hand