Rasayanchikitsa is one of the eight specialized branches of Ayurveda that primarily deals with the maintenance of health. Rasayana is
intended in classical Ayurveda as an effective tool to synthesize the excellent quality of dhatu that entails the prevention and
alleviation of senility and diseases. It consists of dietary & therapeutic measures like herbal preparations which are able to correct as
well as improve dhatus immunity by a proper nutrition. Experimental studies done on various rasayana drugs prove that they have
immune stimulant, antioxidant, adoptogenic and anti-stress properties. Rasayanas are believed to build a barrier against stress and
infection. These act principally by strengthening the immune system of the body acting as both brain and body tonic, promotes vitality
and maintain it. Rasayana therapy aids in reviving the health of a healthy person as well as in combating the disease of the diseased
one. Rasayan drugs consist of the substances which are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta carotene, riboflavin. So these substances
are capable of counteracting the damaging effect of oxidation by working as anti-oxidants & prevent aging process.