Inula racemosa hook.f. is herb (plant) is used in traditional medicine in India for a long time .it is used in drugs by pharma industries
for its antispasmodic,anti asthmatic and cardic tonic properties. This is a member of Asteraceae family. It is commonly known as
Puskaramula in Sanskrit and Pokharmula hindi. It is a tall ,stout herb found in western Himalayas between 5000 to 14000 ft altitude.
The great ayurved physician charaka has indicated it “PUSKARMULAM HIKKA KASA SWAS PARSWASULA HARANAM” 1
means this is the best drug of Hikka(Hiccups), Swas (Asthma), Parswa sula (both side chest pain ). But now these days iris Germania
,Inula royeliana ,Hedichyum spicatum are using instead of Inula racemosa by the pharma industries and ayurveda physicians during
their clinical practice.