Since the time of immemorial, plants were used for multiple socio-cultural and economic uses. Medicinal use is one of the services
that plants provide for human welfare. The practice of traditional medicine is common in Chittagong Hill Tracts although it is not
utterly studies and documented. So, the aim of this study is to conduct an ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used for treatment
of human health problems in the 3 districts of Chittagong Hill Tracts. For that reason, a cross sectional study and systematic sampling
technique was employed to select possible sampling sites and medicinal practitioners. A total of 15 sampling sites from 3 districts
were selected and a total of 17 informants were selected and interviewed. Ethnobotanical data was gathered using semi-structured
interview, group discussion and field observation and analyzed using descriptive statistics, informants’ consensus and fidelity level
index. A total of 69 medicinal plant species were used to treat human health problems, are discovered. Of these, nearly 32 species
(46.4%) are harvested from only ex-situ while 14 species (20.3%) are harvested from in-situ and the rest 23 species (33.3%) are
gathered from both in-situ and ex-situ. On the other hand, about 32 species (46.4%) are found to be herbs, 21 species (30.4%) shrubs,
9 species (13%) trees and 7 climbers (10.2%) species. With regards to plant parts, leaves share the largest proportion with 56%
followed by roots with 19%. The majority of plant remedies (56.4%) are found to be administered via oral followed by topical
(40.2%). On the other hand, the average informants’ consensus factor calculated (µICF = 0.75) shows the presence of high intracultural
uniformity amongst practitioners in using plants for multiple purposes