Bhasmas are traditional Indian medicinal preparations in which metals/minerals undergo thermal treatment process to form oxide or
sulphide form. Tamra bhasma is one of the potent Rasadravya possesses qualities like lekhana (scraping), ropana (healing), deepana
(digestive), and indicated in diseases like, pandu (Anemia), krimi (worm), sthoulya (Obesity), shotha (inflammation), shoola
(Abdomen pain), yakrit-pleeha roga,(liver-spleen disorders) etc. In rasagranthas different methods are mentioned for the preparation
of tamra bhsma. Two different methods were selected for present study. Keeping its immense qualities in view hepatoprotective effect
of tamra bhasma against carbon tetrachloride (CCL4) induced toxicity was studied in albino rats. Alteration in the level of biochemical
markers of hepatic damage like SGPT (Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase), SGOT (Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase),
Alkaline phosphates, total serum, and Billirubin were tested.