Migraine is a common clinical problem characterized by episodic attacks of headache and associated with symptoms such as nausea,
sensitivity to light, sound or head movement. Females are 3times more likely to have Migraine than Males. Migraine may occur at any
age, but it is most common between ages 30 and 50. The objective of the study was to assess the combined effect of Shadbindutaila
Nasya for 7days, along with shamana yogas selected for the study i:e abhrakabhasma- prawalapishti- godantibhasma,
Shirashuladivajrarasa, Pathyadishadangakwatha in the management of Ardhavabhedaka. 50 patients were assigned in a single group
and the intervention was for a period of 48 days. Data was collected before commencement of treatment, after Nasya karma, On 21st
day, 35th day and on 48th day of the study period. Results were statistically analyzed before and after the treatment .Significant results
were obtained on severity and duration of headache and frequency of attack. Significant relief was found in associated symptoms, and
good improvement in stress scores was established at the end of treatment. Overall assessment showed complete relief in 24 patients,
marked relief in 21 patients and 5patients got moderate improvement. The Treatment modality adopted was highly effective on
Ardhavabhedaka. Most of the patients experienced maximum benefits at the end of the treatment schedule