Objective: In developing countries malnutrition poverty and low socioeconomic status major contributors for high mortality and
morbidity. Assesment of nutritional status of school going children in and around teaching hospital in Andhra Pradesh. School
environment and maintenance of school health records do play a vital role in monitoring nutritional status of school children.
Methods: 1050 children between age group of 6-12years were taken randomly and Anthropometric measurements- includes weight,
height, head circumference, chest circumference, body mass index, skin fold thickness, Socioeconomic status were recorded.
Results: A total of 1050 children between the age groups 6-12 were included in the study. Out of which 503(47.9%) were boys and
547(52.1%) were girls.The maximum boys were in the age group of 11, (80,15.9%) and maximum girls were inthe age group of 10
years (88,16.08%). Vitamin A deficiency was seen in 188 (17.9%), anemia was found in 24.48%, 869 (82.76%) were underweight
Conclusion: Large number of children were from lower middle and upper lower socioeconomic class, the morbidity pattern indicates
a prevalence of common vitamin A deficiency, anemia and malnutrition is found to be high in developing countries so periodic
surveys, health check up camps and education are need of the hour for better health of children so that mortality and morbidity are
under check