In this paper, Intend to new data gathering security in the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN).WSNs are spatially distributed in self
directed sensor nodes without relay. In this paper may be mobile self directed or a transport equipped with a powerful battery,
transceiver and memory. Working like a mobile support place and gathering data while moving through the area.In this paper ,we
purpose new data gathering scheme for wide area wireless sensor networks, mainly gathering the data from sensors using single or
multiple M-Investor are used, A Mobile Data Investor for simply called as M-Investor. only one m- Investor used to gather the data
from sensor node and upload the data into data sink. One M-Investor moving gather the data from the entire network of each and
every sensor nodes to the data sink because raise distance/time constraints. We think utilizing Multiple Investers and intend a datagathering
algorithm where multiple M- Investors moving through a number of smaller subtours parallel to satisfy the distance/time
constraints. Dynamically moving way to non visible link between partioned small networks and each of them moving through a
number of smaller subtours of the entire network to gathering a data. . It can be used in both joined and disjoined networks..In enhance
,sensor node may collect the sensitive data because to provide the security. Make sure of security of contact and access control in
Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs) is of greatest worth. Simulation results demonstrate that the intend data-gathering algorithm can
greatly shorten the moving distance of the Investor compared with the shortest path algorithm and is close to the optimal algorithm
for small networks and The results demonstrate that MoteSec-Aware consumes much less power, but get higher security than some
state-of-the-art methods.