Ayurveda is the unique system of medicine covering all the aspects of life. Its holistic approach provides the positive health. It is
specific in the sense of its valid and age old fundamental doctrines. It is not only concentrated on the treatment of diseases but has laid
proper emphasis on the care of diseased one also. It advocates to examine the Prakriti (constitution), Vikriti (morbidity), Sar
(constitution of the dhatus), Samhanan (compactness), Praman (measurement), Satmya (suitability), Sattwa (psyche), Ahar-shakti
(power of intake and digestion of food), Vyayam-shakti (power of exercise) and Vaya (age) of the patient before application of
medicine. It is because the strong, moderate or mild medicines are advised according to the superior, medium and inferior strength of
the patient as well as disease respectively. Satmya is one of the important considerable issues during application of medicine or diet.
One of the significant causes behind different preparations of medicines and diet is Satmya. Diet or medicine which is not Satmya to a
person should not be given reason being the substance which is not Satmya (suitable or accustomed) to one’s body may cause
Asatmyaja-rogas (allergic diseases) to him. Satmya is that which being used constantly has wholesome effects. It is the synonym of
the term ‘upashaya’. Asatmya or Anupashaya is opposite to the Satmya. It is of many types such as Okasatmya, Desha-Satmya, RituSatmya,
Vyadhi-Satmya, Dosha-Satmya, Prakriti-Satmya, Vaya-Satmya etc. A physician has to advise the diet or medicine
considering all the Satmyas for the rational use. Out of all the Satmyas, Okasatmya is that which is suitable to the person because of
regular use either it is diet or regimen. It may be sometime wholesome entity while sometime unwholesome also. If unwholesome
entity is accustomed due to habitual use, it should be gradually withdrawn and wholesome at its place should be followed. All types of
Satmyas should always be followed for the maintenance of health.