Background: Black gill syndrome is caused by Phovazrium solani at shrimp. Diseases such as Viberriyoz, Mikoz as well as the
presence of heavy metals such as copper and cadmium can provide the context of this disease. This disease is causes because of the
stress and weakened immune system that was caused by these factors. Distinct factor of this disease is macroscopic and microscopic
Malanize of shrimp’s gills. Other pathological symptoms of this syndrome are Hyperpelazi and hypertrophy of gills and accumulation
of Hemosits at gills. Given the importance of nutrition and export of shrimp, the aim of this study is the histopathology examination of
black gill disease at marine shrimp of Bandar Abbas coast which is one of the important nurturing areas of shrimp.
Methods: In this study, 100 marine shrimp of Bandar Abbas coast are preyed and after fixation by Podison fixing solution are
transferred to lab of Kazerun Azad Islami university veterinarian department and histopathology sections are prepared and finally
prepared samples were examined and the results were reported as photographs and tables.
Results: The results show that the risk of this syndrome is 34% at marine shrimp population of Bandar Abbas coast. Also, histological
finding showed that there are not hypertrophy and necrosis at gill cells.
Results and Discussion: According to the mentioned matters, it can be stated that bad environmental conditions, certain bacteria
attack and fungi and nutritional deficiencies can cause black gill disease by weaken the immune system of shrimp.