Traumatic bone cyst is a non epithelial lined pseudo cyst mostly seen in long bone & less frequently in gnathic bones. There is a lot of
debate regarding the etiology & pathogenesis of this cyst & many authors have proposed various hypotheses to establish thesis lesion.
Of those the trauma haemaraghic theory is most accepted one. Traumatic bone cyst is mostly encountered in 2 & 3 decade of life.
Predominantly these are asymptomatic & are discovered on routine radiologic examination. The striking radiologic feature is the dome
shaped projection with upward scalloping. More confirmatory diagnosis can be arrived at the time of surgical exploration of the lesion
when the surgeon enters an empty cavity without epithelial lining. After the curettage the tissue is histopathologically examined, a
vascular connective tissue with normal bone spicules is noticed. Here we present a case of traumatic bone cyst with well supported
clinical, radiological & surgical findings. The literature is reviewed briefly.