The ancient science of cosmetology is believed to have originated in Egypt and India, but the earliest records of cosmetic substances
and their application dates back to circa 2500 and 1550 B.C, to the Indus valley civilization. There is evidence of highly advanced
ideas of self-beautification and a large array of various cosmetic usages both by men and women, in ancient India. Many of these
practices were subtly interwoven with the seasons and the normal rituals of life. Significantly, the use of cosmetics was directed not
only towards developing an externally pleasant and attractive personality, but also towards achieving excellence, longevity with good
health and happiness. Harmful chemicals found in synthetic cosmetics such as hair dyes, shampoos, nail polishes, face creams etc.
results in occupational hazards like allergies, dermatitis, respiratory health problems and even carcinogenic effects. Keeping the health
hazards with the synthetic cosmetics in view, the present study has been taken up to reveal the safest herbal beautifying formulations
embedded in the lore of Ayurvedic literature.